December 6, 2010

Recipe of the week: Salmon tartar!

I love love love salmon! Especially salmon tartar. To bad for those who don't like raw fish because this recipe is a killer! I had a cooking video with UNESS where I showed him how to make red-wine risotto (video coming soon!) and before he and the guests arrived, I prepared this tartare and because of how QUICK it disappeared, I can assume that it was successful (FIOU!)! Check out the recipe below! Believe me, it takes longer to CUT the salmon than to actually prepare the tartar! I mean, it costs you about 15$ at the restaurant for a super small portion but you can make a HUGE portion for that price at home!

You will need:
-A huge piece of fresh salmon (depending on how much you're making)
-Lime juice
-Two tablespoons of olive oil
-Fresh mint leaves (at first I was skeptical about using mint but it turned out YUMMY!)
-About a tablespoon of chopped capers
-A small shallot, chopped. Or if you want, about two tablespoons of chopped green onion.
-Melba crackers (to serve with the tartare)

-Chop the salmon in mini mini cubes. This can take awhile :( But the trick I can give you is to put the salmon in the freezer for about half an hour so that it gets harder, which will make it way easier to cut.
-Add the olive oil, lime juice. Mix well.
-Add all of the other ingredients. Taste. Add whatever it is that you like (from the ingredients) until you like the taste. I added olive oil, more mint and more pepper!
-Refrigerate! Serve! ENJOY!

That's it! I swear! So easy to make, and delicious! Restaurant food at home :D

P.S. I have a little secret...I bought a super small piece of salmon and tried making a mini portion of the tartar the day before the guests would come. I was a bit scared since it was the first time I was making it and I wanted to make sure I got the recipe right! As I "pre-made" the tartar, I understood the importance of LIME JUICE!! It adds a lot to the taste and makes the salmon taste even more fresh....:)


  1. I also LOVE LOVE salmon!

    I'm going to make this for our family Christmas Eve celebration.

    Wish me luck ... cooking isn't my strength, but you have really provided a detailed recipe. Thank you for that.

    Happy Holidays,



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