January 17, 2012

Keepin it real with Sass: Basic techniques/recipes

Hey guys!

So you know I have only started cooking about 5-6 years ago, so really, I had to start off SOMEWHERE! I find that sometimes people are shy to ask for recipes or techniques for the meals that are considered "easy". Let me tell you, I did NOT know how to poach an egg back in 2006, and definitely always over cooked my pasta back then. I had no idea how to make pesto or even how to cut an onion the right way! Although it was often humiliating, I had to ask, google it or spend entire days watching the Food Network (especially Rachael Ray's 30 minute meals, which is a very useful show). Can you imagine that I recently had to google "How to boil an egg" because I could never get it right?  We're human, we mess up, and we're not perfect. However, practice makes perfect: We can always get better by asking questions and helping each other :)

SO! I want you guys to let me know the basic things you want to learn in the kitchen. A couple of ideas I had in mind:

-How to know if your chicken is ready
-How to slice an onion
-Different meanings in the kitchen (for exemple: Julienne, chop v.s. slice, roast, bake etc.)
-How to make your own bread crumbs (when you run out)
-How to make eggs perfectly (scrambled, over easy, mirror, poached, omelet)
-How to make french toast and homemade pancakes when you have no more Aunt Jemimah mix.
-How to make sure your gravy, creamy sauce or bechamel has no clumps in it (ughhh I hate clumps)
-How to not overcook fish

Guys don't be shy! Please send me your recipe/technique requests at info@versass.com or if you want, ask me on Twitter! Don't forget to follow me @iLoveSassou! Also, if you have any requests of ANY KIND, I will be really happy to make an article about it!

I love food. I hope you do too :)



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