September 24, 2010

Don't go to Zara when you are on a budget

Or you might go bankrupt. Or not eat until your next paycheck. know...have no money left for awhile.

Because the stuff there is AWESOME! You go for shoes and you end up with: shoes, a skirt, a scarf, skinny jeans, a leather purse, sunglasses, a flowered shirt, a belt, and your bank account in the garbage/overdraft/kapoot/dead.

The End

I would like to add that I only bought shoes and jeans today. I behaved :) But it kinda hurt though because I wanted to buy the whole freakin store #progress


  1. Je suis tellement d'accord!!!!!!! Je suis accroc 'a Zara, je dois me retenir quand j'y vais!! Je te donne un truc: vas y le plus souvent possible. Souvent tu reverras des choses que tu avais deja vu, ou ca te permettra d'acheter un morceau à la fois, au lieu de ressortir avec 10000 sacs!!

  2. haha i'm not the only zara addict once i ended up buying 3 pairs of sandals.. that hurts ur bank account LOL . but the only thing is that the service is crap

  3. I went the other day and stayed in the men's section just to make sure I wouldn't buy anything! hehehe


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