June 30, 2011

Hot corporate looks: My faves

A few months ago, I officially entered the corporate world. That meant:

-No more going to work in sweat pants (NOOOOOO!)
-No more going to work in sneakers/Keds/Flip flops/Uggs
-No more going to work looking like I just woke up
-No more leggings, no more t-shirts, no more American Eagle hoodies (damn! those were my favorites)

I've been working since I was 14 years old (First job was at KFC, believe it or not!) and apart from when I worked as a teller at the bank 5 years ago, I did not have to dress a specific way to go to work. I mean, yes I love my sweat pants and my Uggs. But I realize that in life, when you finish school (or are close to finishing school), opportunities arise where you actually have to be MATURE not only by choice, but because you're at a point in your life where being mature will bring you even more respect, better jobs, better opportunities and more. Therefore, this all comes with a classier dress code. 

So I CAN'T work like this
My parents always taught me that "You are what you wear". You may disagree on that one, but I've noticed how in a lot of cases, people are judged (sometimes unfairly) with the way they are dressed. I've seen rich people get bad service because they were dressed a certain way, and people without a dime getting amazing service because they looked classy: Sad, but true. Anyways, my point is, now I have to dress all corporate and clean and it took me a little while to adjust! I did a lot of shopping in Montreal, Miami, NYC and have been looking at many websites to try and figure out what I like. I've never been the 
 "I wear a suit" kind of person, I'm more of the "dress pants, flowy shirt and heels" kind of girl, so I had to find an appropriate way to match my personal style and preferences with the office look. 

For those who, like me, are constantly looking for inspiration in the corporate look department or are still having a bit of trouble adjusting to that dress code, I hope this will help! I'm a simple girl, but I like to be a little sexy and chic when going to work :) Here are my favorite corporate looks and styles:


Even before I got this job, I went to Zara and went NUTS when I saw their colorful blazers! If you guys follow me on Twitter, you know about my obsession with the clothes at Zara and once again, their summer collection made me happy. Blazers can often be boring, as most of them are sold in black, grey, and dark blue. But this year, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that Prada and Gucci were not the only brands to add vibrant colors to the most simple items. I love to wear my all black outfits and I find that a colored blazer is a perfect complement to my skinny black dress pants and black cami (all of that with heels, of course).

Runner up: The black and white striped blazer


Okay so you're
wearing black pants, a black blazer and a white dress shirt. Your hair is tied, and you're wearing your glasses.....YAWN! Pair a simple corporate outfit with some classy but original shoes.


Sometimes, it can get really cold it Canada, even in summer. Scarves are very useful because not only they are warm, but they add a nice touch of class to simple outfits, especially when the scarves are colorful. It doesn't have to be Hermes to be nice(one day...one day....hehe)! I've seen really nice ones at Simons and H&M and Forever 21 that are not expensive at all, sometimes even starting at 9.99$.

Oscar de la Renta, H&M


Oscar de la Renta
Totally self explanatory. Your outfit will suddenly look different, trust me.

Michael Kors, Forever 21
Yves Saint-Laurent

Miroslava Duma's looks are always on point!
I said it before, I'm a simple girl. I like my white wife beater and just because I'm in an office now doesn't mean I have to give up wearing it on weekdays. The only thing is, I need to pair it with the right clothes and right accessories in order for it to seem less casual. For example, today I am wearing large legged, high waist grey pants with my white wife beater, a belt at the waist and a mini short sleeved checkered blazer, all of that with gold accessories. It think it worked out! Other example of simple chic looks below:

Le Château, St-John, Le Château

I really like them! However, one has to be very careful when choosing a high waist skirt: although it can be very sexy, it can also be a disaster when the right size or right material is not chosen. or when you decide to wear granny undies instead of a thong aw hellllll nawww Love wearing them with a a flowy, semi-transparent top, tucked in.

Le Château, BCBG
Kate Spade, Le Château

They're not just for guys! They look great on women, too. On the days where you don't feel like wearing heels, a pair of nice loafers can be hot with skinny or wide legged dress pants. I love love love the ones from Tod's. 

Michael Kors, Prada
8. CARDI WRAPS (The AC is killing me softly)

When I went to Miami a couple of months ago, I had trouble finding a blazer that I really liked in my size. I was just like "You know what? Never mind. I'll just get one when I come back to Montreal". As I continued my shopping in Daulphin Mall, I found a pretty cute alternative to a blazer at Marciano: It's called a cardi-wrap. It's nice with dress pants, nice with jeans, nice with a skirt, nice with practically any outfit...well...except the ones with poofy sleeves, that won't work out. You know what i mean 

Charlotte Russe

 (On Fridays, we get to wear jeans, but we still have to look clean!)

I like to wear:
-Jeans that are hot, but not TOO sexy paired with a blazer
-Original and colorful flats
-T-shirts that are cute but not too casual

Diego Dolcini

Olivia Palermo
Finally, here are a couple of things that I find DON'T WORK AT ALL in the office

Too much jewelry

Do I need to explain? All I gotta say is.....burrrr
Things that don't go well with your body. 

Okay you want to wear a suit, but can you please make sure the size is right? Pants that are too tight (with the underwear showing and all) are really, really not cute. And an oversided blazer is not cute either, unless you are trying to look like...ok I won't say it.

Dresses that make you look like you're going to the club

Do I really need to explain that one? I don't care if you're going for drinks after work, the office is not Mansion or LIV or any other club.

Heels that you can't walk in

Okay, you want to be sexy and wear these 4-5 inch gorgeous heels. But you can't walk in them. So at the end of the day, you're not sexy. You look like you had some sort of accident and can't walk properly anymore #imjustsayin

I hope that was useful!!




  1. OMG loved the post every picture of it . I am on the same page with you on you are what you were :) we have the same taste haha. really enjoyed it hon :)

  2. Thank you! I'm happy you like it xox

  3. I am going through this transition RIGHT NOW!! I love your choices and your advice. Thank you!


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